If you are hurt at work, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills and lost wages related to your workplace accident. However, workers in Mississippi and elsewhere could have their claims declined by making key mistakes such as not seeking treatment or filing a claim promptly. They may also have their claims denied if an employer can prove that an accident was caused by horseplay or other forms of negligence.
Filing a claim in a timely manner
Ideally, you will notify your employer about a workplace accident and file a workers’ compensation claim within 24 hours of getting hurt. Doing so will start the investigation and documentation process that needs to occur before your request for benefits can be processed. Your employer will likely request that you visit with a doctor of its choosing. However, you can also visit your own doctor for treatment as well.
Make sure you have proper documentation
Your request for benefits could be denied if there is insufficient evidence that you were hurt at work. For instance, your employer might claim that an accident occurred while you ran a personal errand after making a delivery for the company. The employer’s version of events might be allowed to stand absent video or other evidence.
You were impaired when the accident happened
Typically, negligence doesn’t determine whether you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. You should be all set as long as you can prove that your injuries occurred while performing tasks for your employer. However, if you were impaired when a workplace accident occurred, it may be grounds to have your request for benefits denied.
A workplace injury may cause you to incur thousands of dollars in medical bills and lost wages. Therefore, it’s important to take proactive steps such as seeking medical treatment or gathering as much evidence as possible to back your version of events. Otherwise, you may be required to pay for your current and long-term medical needs on your own.