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Your health, your choice? Seeing your own doctor after a Mississippi workers’ compensation claim

On Behalf of | Dec 31, 2024 | Workers' Compensation

Workplace injuries can be disruptive and painful. In Mississippi, workers’ compensation benefits are available to help cover medical expenses and lost wages. But what happens when you want to see your own doctor for treatment?

Many injured workers prefer the familiarity and trust they have with their established physician. However, Mississippi law has specific rules regarding medical treatment under workers’ compensation, and understanding these rules is crucial for ensuring you receive proper care and your benefits remain intact.

Employer choice: The initial medical provider

Under Mississippi law, your employer initially has the right to choose the physician who treats your workplace injury. This means you may be required to see a doctor selected by your employer or their insurance carrier.

While this may seem restrictive, the law aims to ensure injured workers receive appropriate care from qualified medical professionals. The employer-chosen physician will assess your injuries, recommend treatment and determine your ability to return to work. It’s important to attend all scheduled appointments and follow the doctor’s recommendations to maintain your eligibility for benefits.

Seeking a change: When you can see your own doctor

While the employer initially controls the choice of physician, Mississippi law allows for some exceptions. If you have a pre-existing relationship with a doctor and wish to continue treatment with them, you may be able to do so under certain circumstances.

You may also request a change of physician if you have a valid reason, such as dissatisfaction with the initial doctor’s treatment or a long distance to travel for appointments. However, you must follow the proper procedures to request this change, and your employer or their insurer has the right to approve or deny the request.

Workers’ compensation laws in Mississippi can be complex, especially when choosing a treating physician. Understanding your rights and options is crucial for receiving appropriate care and protecting your benefits. If you have questions or concerns about seeing your own doctor after a workplace injury, seeking guidance from an experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help you make informed decisions and ensure you receive the best possible medical care.